Expected Outputs
The main outputs of the project that will significantly improve entrepreneurship conditions in the CB area, and contribute to the main objectives of the project are:
- The implementation of networking actions such as round tables, business forums, thematic workshops and a partnership opportunity platform, contributing to the promotion of transnational cooperation.
- The development of a mapping study aiming at enhancing the tourism sector through gathering best practices across EU regarding financial instruments in tourism development, finance, sustainable tourism and tourism-led growth models in practice.
- Enhancing the SMEs’ support system through the development of supporting training material such as trilingual training material, including webinars and toolkits.
- The implementation of skills enhancement training focusing on issues such as organization and management of SMEs, with emphasis on financial management, IT use, introducing new services and products with tourist orientation.
- The implementation of short building skills sessions focused on customer service for tourist businesses, tourism marketing for enterprises and self-employed, and raising awareness on tourist ID and its importance for local economies.
- The realization of thematic workshops, including study visits, focusing on thematics such as innovation, CSR, extroversion, social economy, quality standards, thematic tourism and travel blogging.
- The development of a tourism support scheme including the provision of consultancy services at business activity level or group, the provision of personalized support services and the provision of mentoring services (group based) to entrepreneurs.
The following outputs will contribute to the successful implementation of the project and to the successful dissemination of the project results:
- Management and coordination of the project.
- The dissemination of the project’s aims, progress and results, through the realization of the communication plan.
Expected results
The project will result in an improved entrepreneurial climate able to facilitate the development of new businesses and also to support newly established SMEs in the tourism sector via:
- Skills enhancement and capacity building via the provision of training for 152 trainees (100-120hours in GR & 10 days in BG), short building skills sessions for 110 trainees (52hours), consultancy services to 104 participants (11 sessions), personalized support services to 40 participants (16 sessions) and mentoring to 88 participants (15 sessions).
- Enhanced business networks and CB business opportunities via the realization of 10 round tables, 2 business forums (appr. 220participants), and 21 thematic workshops incl. study visits.
Via the Partnership opportunity e-platform, an e-platform that will stay updated and accessible to the public, the main results will contribute further to the improvement of the entrepreneurial climate. The e-platform will host the results of the mapping study, the outputs of the round tables, business forums and networking–cooperation opportunities.
The results clearly provide added value to the CB area, since there is a lack in an ecosystem that nurtures entrepreneurship in the tourism sector and also contributes to resulting in indicators since both new and newly established SMEs will receive support. An improved entrepreneurial business support environment will be developed under WP3 and WP4, satisfying the program-specific result indicator.
The results are specific, well-defined, measurable (e.g. refer to trainees), attainable (based on the needs of the CB area), realistic (there are no physical or financial constraints) and time-bound (there is enough time to be achieved and a specific timeline). Also, the project team will develop a flexible evaluative-monitoring results mechanism that will guarantee the ongoing measurement of results and outputs allowing the in-time monitoring and enabling the adaption of corrective measures.