CapTour “An initiative on Capitalising Tourism's prospects of the region”
Two years of actions in order to support the tourism industry of the region between Bulgaria and Greece for medium-sized companies: this is the CapTour project, which was created in order to strengthen one of the biggest industries in the country. Among others, it aims to financially help local companies, by offering tailor-made services for support and business coaching. Simultaneously, it will offer the know-how and the networking of all the collaborating actors that will lead the businesses towards even more competitive services and products.
The actions include round tables and business forums, so that potential businessmen can access the sector’s know-how and the support of creating business ideas. In addition, future businessmen will be educated through their participation in training, consultations, and specialized guidance.
Through the electronic platform for cooperation (Partnership Opportunity Platform), an electronic platform that will remain updated and accessible to all participants, the main results will contribute to the amelioration of the business climate.
The Project is implemented within the frame of the Cooperation Programme INTERREG VA “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by national funds of the countries participating in the Programme.
The co-financed projects allow the EU to practically prove the degree of influence on citizens’ lives.
Within this framework, the Interreg V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” Cooperation Program’s budget across the European Union amounts to € 129.695.572,00 million (total funding) for the Programming Period 2014-2020.
The project consists of four (4) beneficiaries from Greece and Bulgaria, two (2) Greek beneficiaries and two (2) Bulgarian beneficiaries:
- The Hellenic Hoteliers Federation
- Τhe University of Macedonia/ Research Committee/ Department of Accounting and Finance
- Τhe Association of Hoteliers, Restauranteurs and Tour Operators SANDANSKI
- Τhe Rhodopes Hoteliers and Restauranteurs Association.
Greece and Bulgaria, two neighboring countries with a rich past, since the end of the 1990s have entered an era of closer co-operation, due to the INTERREG Program “Greece-Bulgaria”.
The main idea behind the program “INTERREG” is that countries have issues that can be better solved if they work together than if each one remains confined within its borders.